Has someone taken your faith,
it`s real,
the pain you feel..
You trust, you must,
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

tirsdag 23. mars 2010

you know what it`s like to believe... it makes me wanna scream!!!

Vært til legen med øya mi i dag IGJEN! Har fått revet av litt av hornhinna mi, så må forvente at den fortsatt er litt vond fremover.. great!
Ellers har jeg bare lest og trent da selvfølgelig!

Skal til Psyk på billedterapi i morgen. Vet ikke helt om jeg gleder eller gruer meg. Tør jo ikke si så mye når jeg er der, sitter å hører på alle de andre. Men det er noe betryggende ved å høre på dem... Andres problemer er lettere å forholde seg til enn egne problemer...

The ash set in then blew away
It's getting lost into the sea
I grew so close to all the thoughts I had, to leave forever.
I left the chill and voice of screams and kids,
And ran for shelter.

You know I won't say sorry.
you know I won't say sorry.

The pain has a bad reaction.
A blend of fear and passion.
You know what it's like to believe,
It makes me wanna scream.

I see a glow from far away 
A faint reflection on the sea
I left some words quite far from here to be a short reminder.
I laid them out in stone in case they need to last forever.

You know I won't say sorry.
you know I won't say sorry.

The pain has a bad reaction.
A blend, of fear and passion.
You know what it's like to believe,
It makes me wanna scream.

I see the stars they’re in your eyes
A playful kiss, can't you tell I'm excited?

A fast escape in the nick of time
You lost your wish, can I help you to find it?
I'm on my knee, just one to start
A fresh new start, Don't be undecided

If love’s a word, that you say
Then say it, I will listen ...

1 kommentar:

Legg gjerne igjen noen små spor... :)